Ok, you guys will kill me for this, but I think LND with the Aussie cast is fab. For those who haven't seen it, I won't give anything away. Anyway, I'm going to have a go at it and praise it for various things
1. Ben Lewis was a phantastic phantom. He has a voice that makes everyone (especially myself) drool.
2. Anna O'Byrne can't half sing! She gives the performance of the title song perfectly.
3. The boy who played Gustave was so CUTE! He is also the best Gustave I've ever seen.
4.The set was spectacular. It rotated and twisted and had all of these realistic backdrops. 10/10 for those.
5. The plot and lyric rewrites made it so musch better. No more Heaven By The Sea! Thank God!
On the downside,
1. Two words. BATHING BEAUTY. Nuff said.
2. Christine acted a bit weirdly in the last scene.
3. Phantom had psycho eyes. Look at a picture of him in LND, you'll se what I mean.
4. Raoul and Christine's kiss didn't go on long enough. (Sorry, it's just that I'm an R/C shipper as well. Just read Journey To The Past's last chapter or so.)
5. Too much Coney Island Waltz. It was played ENDLESSLY! Like, all the time between scenes. It's nearly as irritating as Bathing Beauty, but that's the most annoying song in the universe.
When you guys have seen it, fell free to post you review here.