1. Before you start a new thread, look to see if has alreadybeen discussed. The forums have a search function, and you can also browse back through previous topics. Before you start a new thread on a new topic, please make sure that there isn't already a thread where your post would fit. Don't start a new thread because you've just seen the movie - post in the movie review thread.
2. Please make an effort to post in the right forum. If it's not specifically about the Phantom movie, don't post it in ALW MOVIE (check first to see if there's already a thread). If you want advice on your love life, post it in Off Topic.
3. Please make the subject/topic line of any new thread descriptive and informative, so people looking at the title will have some idea what it's about. "Please answer my question!" is an example of a badly chosen title. "Why does the Phantom have a mannequin that looks like Christine?" is an example of a good title.
4. No "me too" posts, or posts just to increase your rank. Pleasethink before posting. Do you actually have something to add to the discussion, or are you just saying "me too"? Only post if you have actual content to your post.
5. Some of the topics discussed here are controversial; please disagree without resorting to maliciousness or personal attacks.
6. Repeated harassment of other users on the forums or off the forums because of their posts is strictly prohibited and will result in deletion of your account and a report of your behavior being sent to your ISP. All IP addresses are logged and viewable by the admin.
7. Along the same lines as above, expressions of intolerance and hatred based on race/ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, and religion are strictly prohibited. Like the Phantom, many people belonging to these groups have beenoppressed by society, and we want this to be a place where they can feel welcome. Homophobia, racism, and sexist remarks will not be tolerated.
8. Sexuality is an important aspect of Phantom, and as such may be discussed here. We also do not censor "dirty" words. Since young people's maturity level varies, we do not wish to set a minimum age for the site, but recommend that parents supervise their children here and everywhere else on the Internet.
9. We are not the spelling and grammar police, but please attempt to keep your postings understandable. Posting in ALL CAPS or tOgGlE cAsE is not permitted. Reading posts full of things like plz, u, 4, or hundreds of smilies and exclaimation points is also very tiresome. You don't have to sound as if you're writing anessay, but do us all a favour and cut down on the txt msg speak!
10. No spam.
11. If you want real-time chat, please use IRC, or exchange AIM info with people. Although "chat" topics are allowed in the Off Topic section, that does NOT mean real-time back and forth chat where a thread becomes 3 pages in an hour. We do not have unlimited bandwidth and this is a discussion board, not achatroom. Please respect that.
12. For the same reasons we don't support any RPGs under any form whatsoever on this site. If you want to RPG try another site or use an instant messenger.
13. No trading bootlegs on the forums.
In return for your cooperation with these rules, we promise to do the best we can to make these forums a great place to hang out. If you have questions or comments, please post them in the Report bugs thread and we will respond as soon as we can.